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Experience the delicate beauty of Korean-style floral arrangements with our Lavender Dreams Basket. This round basket is filled with an exquisite selection of premium blooms, carefully chosen and arranged by our expert florists.


The Lavender Dreams Basket features a variety of stunning flowers in shades of lavender and purple, including roses, lilies, and other complementary blooms. Each stem is expertly arranged to create a balanced and harmonious composition that is both elegant and charming.


The basket itself is a beautiful accent to the arrangement, adding a touch of sophistication and completing the overall design. This Korean-style floral arrangement is perfect for any occasion, whether you're looking to celebrate a special milestone or simply show someone you care.


Indulge in the beauty of Korean-style floral arrangements with our Lavender Dreams Basket. Order now and let us help you make a lasting impression with this exquisite and unforgettable gift.

Lavender Dreams Basket

增值税  未含 |
只剩 5 件庫存
  • NOT available from Feb 9 - Feb 17

    Contact us directly for ordering after Feb 18

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